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Natural Healing
Within the U3A we have people who have worked as therapists or healers and have a great deal of knowledge. We propose to share this knowledge in talks and demonstrations and perhaps there will be splinter groups starting because of interest generated.
In addition to the regular practical meetings, the Natural Healing group will be giving a series of talks and demonstrations in order to support the health and well-being of all U3A membersĀ . The talks will normally take place at the Bourgainvillea Centre on Fridays at 11.30am for an hour.
Here is the timetable:
24 Jan 2025, An Introduction to Natural Healing, Wendy Lowe
6 Feb 2025, Discover the Magic of the Quantum Field, Jakob Borup (at Age Care Fuengirola, 10:30am)
14 Feb 2025, Homeopathy and how to use it, Pauline Tyndale- Biscoe
14 Mar 2025, Natural Nutrition, Aurora Dawn Campbell
11 April 2025, Reiki Healing and energy work, David and Wendy Lowe
9 May 2025, Emotional Feedback Loops/ Why bad feelings stick and what to do, Wendy and David Lowe